The Bath Box produk dari mana dan berlokasi dimana?
Ini produk lokal, made in Indonesia. We’re proud that our products are 100% manufactured by and for Indonesians. Kami berlokasi di Jakarta.
The Bath Box berdiri kapan?
Kami berdiri sejak September 2013, di Jakarta. Tapi kami sudah membuat sabun, lotion, dsb. untuk kebutuhan pribadi jauh sebelumnya.
Ada offline store?
Belum ada, untuk sementara kami hanya jual produk The Bath Box secara online. Selama ini, kami sering ikut bazaar atau pameran di Indonesia, kalau kamu penasaran dan ingin mencoba produk kami secara langsung, yuk kunjungi kami dalam bazaar atau pameran. Kami pasti selalu umumkan tanggal acaranya di website dan sosial media kami.
Dimana bisa beli produk TBB dimana selain di website thebathbox.co.id?
Bisa melalui marketplace kesayangan kalian seperti Shopee, Tokopedia, Lazada, JD.id, Blibli.com dan iStyle.id dan untuk offlinenya pameran-pameran seperti Jakarta X Beauty, Brightspot, Basha Market hingga bazaar - bazaar seru lainnya.
Produk kalian 100% natural dan bebas pengawet?
Liquid soap, bar soap, lotion bar, whipped butter, lip balm, lip scrub, masker, dll semuanya bebas pengawet, kecuali body lotion (yang cair) harus memakai pengawet. Tentunya, kami memilih pengawet untuk produk organik dan bebas parabens. Untuk beberapa produk ada yang mengandung fragrance, tapi kami pilih fragrance yang bebas phatales dan bebas nitro-musk.
Kenapa sih masih pakai fragrance?
Karena kami menyesuaikan keinginan konsumen, ada yang ingin punya sabun atau lotion yang wangi, ada yang bilang “Kalau nggak wangi rasanya kayak nggak mandi.”. Dari situ kami menyadari bahwa sambil memenuhi kebutuhan mereka, penting pula untuk memikirkan kesehatan dari penggunaan fragrance tersebut. Kami memastikan bahwa semua fragrance yang kami pakai bebas phatales dan nitro-musk. Bagi pemakai produk non-fragrance, bisa pilih produk yang plain (unscented) atau yang wanginya dari essential oil juga.
Produk The Bath Box ada masa expired nya?
Ada, kami cantumkan di setiap product description ya. Untuk liquid soap adalah 12 bulan. Produk lainnya bertahan 1-2 tahun sesuai dengan expired date pada kemasan.
Produk yang paling best seller apa?
Sebenarnya semua produk salesnya bagus dan best selling di kategorinya masing-masing. Tapi, best of the best seller kami diraih oleh Goats Don’t Lie Liquid Soap dan Brassica Serum.
Kenapa sabun cair kalian encer sekali? Apa karena dikasih banyak air?
Sabun cair The Bath Box diproduksi secara tradisional tanpa deterjen yang menghasilkan tekstur akhir agak cair. Kami tidak melakukan pengentalan secara kimiawi untuk sabun-sabun kami karena proses tersebut membutuhkan boraks, sehingga tidak akan bisa disebut sabun natural lagi.
Kenapa sih busanya sedikit?
Karena kami tidak mencampur deterjen di dalamnya, silahkan pakai shower puff apabila ingin lebih banyak busa.
Where is The Bath Box made and located?
We are proud to be locally based in Indonesia. Currently, our office resides in Jakarta.
When was the Bath Box founded?
We were established in September 2013, in Jakarta, with prior personal experience in making soap, lotion, etc.
Any offline store?
Not yet, for The Bath Box is temporarily only available for online purchases. However, we often participate in bazaars or exhibitions held around Indonesia, so if you’re curious about trying out the features of our products, let’s visit us during that time. We’ll be sure to announce the details on all social platforms.
Where to buy TBB’s products aside from its website, thebathbox.co.id?
You can also get our products from various beloved online marketplaces (Shopee, Tokopedia, Lazada, JD.id, Blibli.com, and iStyle.id). Offline transactions are possible via events like Jakarta X Beauty, Brightspot, Basha Market, Overheard Beauty Fest, and other exciting occasions.
Are our products 100% natural and preservative-free?
Our liquid soap, bar soap, lotion bar, whipped butter, lip balm, lip scrub, mask, et cetera, are all preservatives-free, except for liquid body lotion that includes paraben-free preservatives for organic products. While some products contain fragrances, we picked ones without phatales and nitro-musk.
Why do we still use fragrances?
As we respond to our customers’ feedback, some wish to own scented soap or lotion, while some said that “When not fragrant, it doesn’t feel like we’ve cleaned up properly”. That helped us realize people’s needs for aromatized items in balance with health considerations from the usage of fragrances, and we ensured that all of our picks come without phatales and nitro-musk. For unscented products lovers, kindly check out our products which are plain (without added aroma) or made with essential oil-based fragrances.
Is there an expiry date for The Bath Box’s products?
Yes, take a look at the product’s description to find each item’s expiry date. For liquid soap, the period is 12 months. Other products last 1-2 years, with expiry dates printed in the box packaging.
What’s our best-selling product?
All products made by The Bath Box reported great sales, each a best seller of its own. With that said, our best of the best-sellers goes to Goats Don’t Lie Liquid Soap, followed closely by Brassica Serum.
How are our Liquid Soaps highly liquefied? Did that occur from too much water?
Our Liquid Soaps are crafted traditionally, without detergent resulting in more liquidation on its texture. We don’t apply chemistry coagulation steps for our soap variants as it requires borax to complete, thus nullifying the intention to create natural solutions.
Why is there little foam?
As detergent is not a part of the ingredients, kindly use shower puff if you wish to have more foam and bubbles.
Selain di website produk The Bath Box bisa di beli dimana?
Kalian bisa langsung menghubungi customer service kalau ada kesulitan untuk order di website. Selain itu, kalian juga bisa melakukan pembelian lewat distributor dan reseller kita di berbagai daerah se-Indonesia.
Pembayarannya bagaimana?
Kami hanya menerima pembayaran via Credit Card, Akun Virtual (BCA/Mandiri /ATM Bersama), dan GO-PAY.
Berapa lama waktu untuk melakukan pelunasan setelah order di website?
Pengguna Credit Card, Virtual Account, dan Go-Pay diberikan waktu 12 jam dari pembuatan order yang akan di cancel oleh sistem secara otomatis setelahnya.
Setelah melakukan pembayaran kapan barang akan dikirim?
Maksimal 2 hari kerja sesudah pembayaran akan kami kirim, notifikasi dan nomor resi diberikan setelahnya.
Pengiriman via apa dan biayanya berapa?
Pengiriman via Sicepat (seluruh Indonesia) dan JNE (diluar Jabotabek), untuk informasi biaya pengiriman bisa langsung cek di www.jne.co.id dan www.sicepat.com.
Custom order itu apa ya?
Program ini dibuat untuk kebutuhan spesial kalian, misalnya seserahan pernikahan, souvenir pernikahan, souvenir ulang tahun, souvenir acara kantor, atau baby shower,dll. Kami sediakan jasa custom design sesuai tema yang kalian inginkan untuk labelnya.
Ada minimal ordernya?
Ada. Untuk detailnya kalian bisa langsung email ke info@thebathbox.co.id jangan lupa ceritakan custom ordernya untuk apa, butuhnya berapa banyak, dan budget.
Produk yang bisa untuk custom order apa?
Semuanya! Semua tergantung keinginan kalian masing-masing.
Beside this website, where to get The Bath Box’s products?
You can directly contact our customer service to order if there’s any difficulties in doing so from the website. Official distributors and resellers are also an option within your nearest settlements along the isles of Indonesia.
How to make the payment?
We only accept cashless payments via Credit Card, Virtual Account (BCA/Mandiri/ATM Bersama), and Go-Pay.
What’s your given period to complete the payment after ordering from this website?
Credit Card, Virtual Account, and Go-Pay users will be given 12 hours after making an order, automatically canceled afterward by the system.
When will your order be delivered after payment?
Allow us a maximum of 2 days to prepare your order, and your tracking number accompanying the shipment will be sent immediately.
What delivery service is employed, and how much is the fee?
Deliveries are made with SiCepat (across Indonesia) and JNE (outside Jabodetabek). For information about the fee, kindly check at www.jne.co.id and www.sicepat.com.
What is a custom order?
This program caters to your special occasions, such as wedding processions, reception souvenirs, birthday party souvenirs, office events souvenirs, baby showers, etc. We provide custom design services according to your requested theme for the label.
Any minimum order?
There is. Reach us via email to info@thebathbox.co.id, and remember to share details about your custom order (purpose, quantity, with budget) here.
Which product is available for custom order?
Everything! Mix and match all items to your heart’s desires.
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Tentang My Plan
My Plan adalah skema berlangganan tanpa ongkos kirim dari The Bath Box, yang diciptakan dengan kenyamanan Anda sebagai pertimbangan utama. Layanan ini memungkinkan Anda memilih produk favorit atau paling sering digunakan, untuk disimpan sebagai daftar pengingat kemudian. Tidak diperlukan pembayaran di muka untuk menyusun Plan Anda.
Setiap bulan, Anda dapat melakukan pelunasan dan pengiriman bebas repot lewat notifikasi pemesanan yang otomatis dibuat oleh sistem kami. Jeda, batalkan, hentikan, atau atur detail apapun dengan mudah, karena program ini menyesuaikan kebutuhan Anda sepenuhnya. Mari belanja secara nyaman dengan The Bath Box setiap saat, hanya lewat beberapa klik disini.
What is My Plan?
My Plan is a personalized subscription system without any shipping fee unique to The Bath Box, made with only your best interests in mind. This service allows you to select your beloved or most-used products, and save them as a list for future reminders. No downpayment is required to create your plan.
Every month, you are able to complete fuss-free payment and shipping from our automated Plan order notification. Pause, stop, cancel, or modify all details easily, for this program is fully adjustable. Shop with The Bath Box conveniently every moment, in just a few clicks away.